Collection of Documents Collection of Documents

Collection of Documents

Collection of Documents

Passports, OCIs and other Consular documents can be collected from our counters between 1200-1300 hours on any working day. Collection time for Visa will continue to be between 1500-1600 hours on any working day.

The applicant has to come personally to collect the Passport. In case of minor children or elderly persons, members of the immediate family i.e. parents or children can collect the Passport. The applicants are also required to bring along the following documents at the time of collection:

Original bank receipt.

Old Indian Passport, if it was taken back at the time of submission of Passport application (Only for Passport collection).

Authorization letter in case of elderly individuals in favour of immediate family members.


1.Original documents will be returned after verification at the counter.

2.After the submission of application at the High Commission, fee is to be deposited at any of the branches of the Bank of India in Nairobi (Nairobi Branch, Kenyatta Avenue; Westlands Branch; and Industrial Area Branch) in favour of the High Commission of India, Nairobi.

3.After the payment of fee, applicant need not visit High Commission to show the fee paid challan.

4.Additional documents may be sought, in certain cases.

5.Fee paid is non-refundable.

6.Fee paid challan should be produced at the time of collection of Services.

7.Each Service is subject to a surcharge of Ksh.300/-, in respect of Passport, Attestation & Miscellaneous Consular Services, and Ksh 400/-,  in respect Visa, OCI/PIO services,towards Indian Community Welfare Fund (ICWF), in addition to the passport/consular fees as mentioned above.

8.The applicant has to appear in person to collect his/her document. No third parties shall be allowed to collect documents on behalf of any applicant.

9.For any further query, please e-mail:  cons[dot]nairobi[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

10.Suggestions/complaints may be sent to couns[dot]nairobi[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in